Cost per session (1hr) includes phone or internet based consultation.
Our sessions will usually be held for the duration of one hour, at a rate of $120.00 + GST each. Payment method will be agreed upon, as either an automatic payment or by way of regular invoicing. Both the supervisor and practitioner are able to defer or cancel a supervision session; but please note that doing so, fewer than 24 hours before our scheduled session, will incur $50.00 + GST cancellation fee. Finally, should either party decide to terminate this contract, they must provide a written notice, 30 days in advance. All Invoices must be paid prior to termination.
For more details, please check the full copy below, or email me at
A cancellation fee is standard practice.
Protecting your confidentiality is very important. Any notes made during our supervision sessions are secured and are not identified by name. You are entitled to see notes which are records of what was said during a session. I will keep confidential, anything you say as part of our Professional Supervision relationship, with the following exceptions:
- You direct me in writing to disclose information to someone else;
- If you exhibit signs of impairment;
- If you exhibit behaviors that are unethical and/or dangerous to the workplace;
- If I, as a supervisor, am court ordered to testify about the nature of a supervision relationship or of a client of the supervisee;
- If a child, elderly person, or dependent person is being abused.
In those rare instances where it is necessary for me to disclose information relating to your supervision without your permission, I will make every effort to fully discuss it with you.
There are two other instances where I, the supervisor, may also be released from the confidentiality rule. One is if there is a charge brought against me to the licensing board or in court, I am allowed to use all information to defend myself.
The second is if you do not pay the invoice for supervision, after reasonable efforts at collections I am allowed to involve legitimate collections activity by other parties, which will release information such as dates of service, charges, payments and balances necessary for the collections process.
Code of Ethics
My professional practice aligns with the global code of ethics co-created and upheld by the large governing bodies for Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision around the world. Read and download the PDF click here.
Our sessions and their frequency will be scheduled by mutual agreement. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call within 24 hours to cancel or reschedule. You will be charged $50.00 for missed appointments unless you cancel within 24 hours. Internet transfer or invoice are acceptable methods of payment, and I will provide a receipt for all fees paid.
Services will be rendered in a professional manner consistent with ethical standards. It is impossible to guarantee any specific results regarding your supervision goals because the outcome is dependent on your work as well as mine. Together, however, we will work to achieve the best possible results.
- Prices are Exclusive of GST as at September 2016 and will be based upon your specific requirement;
- I do not currently facilitate group supervision, however, if this is something that you are interested in, please feel free to contact me directly for further discussion.
As my work is an interpersonal process, its success owes much to the quality of the relationship between you and myself. Contracts serve to clarify goals, expectations, and responsibilities of the professional relationship while minimising the potential for any future misunderstanding.
Evaluation is an ongoing process that is linked to your care as well as your chosen objectives. While evaluation and feedback are embedded in the process, we will also evaluate at the end of each three-month period. Supervisees are asked to provide their own self-evaluation as well as evaluate the supervision process.
It is a requirement for my on-going certification, that I consult with a supervisor regarding supervision matters. The information shared in such circumstances is only what is necessary for the consultation or to ensure effective supervision intervention. If I consult with a Supervisor to improve my professional understanding of a case, I will not use any personal identifiers, so as to protect your anonymity.
Ending our relationship
Any conflict, concerns or complaints about our work together will be discussed openly and resolved within our sessions together. It is the responsibility of both you and myself to raise any such concerns. If a situation arises that can not be resolved and the best course of action is that of early termination of the relationship, notice of such should be given, in writing, with no less that one months’ notice.